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Most frequently asked questions

Here are the most common questions a trader would normally ask us or consider to ask before opening an account with us.
For more information on help resources related to IC Markets (KE) and the products we offer,
simply type your question below or visit our live chat service.

IC Markets (KE) offer two types of accounts, Standard account and our market leading, Raw Spread account.

Raw Spread Account: This account shows the Raw inter-bank spread received from our liquidity providers. There is a commission charge of $7 per standard lot round turn.

Standard Account: We do not charge a commission on Standard accounts but instead, there is a mark up applied to the spread of 0.8 pip above the raw Inter-bank rate received from our Liquidity providers.

Further information about the different types of trading accounts available can be found on our Account Overview page.

IC Markets (KE) has two MetaTrader account types, a Standard account and our market leading, The Raw Spread account. IC Markets (KE) does not charge a commission on Standard accounts but instead applies a spread mark up of 0.8 pip above the Raw inter-bank prices received from our liquidity providers. IC Markets (KE) Raw Spread account shows the raw inter-bank spread received from our liquidity providers. On this account we commission of $7 per standard lot round turn. 

Below are commission rates for different base currency accounts:

AUD7.00 round turn
USD7.00 round turn
EUR5.50 round turn
GBP5.00 round turn
SGD9.00 round turn
JPY700.00 round turn
CHF6.60 round turn
NZD9.00 round turn
HKD54.25 round turn

IC Markets (KE) allows clients to open an account with as little as USD $200 or currency equivalent.

Our mission is to provide traders with the lowest spreads and fastest executions possible across over 1980+ Forex products including Forex, precious metals, stocks, futures and other CFDs on Commodities. We have invested heavily in technology and established strong relationships with some of the largest and most reliable pricing providers in the market.

To find more about products offering click here: range of products.

We also strongly suggest to thoroughly read our Account Terms available for the attached costs, risks and your responsibilities before deciding to trade with us.

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. The difficult part in understanding ECN and STP meanings is that those have been interpreted differently by many people. There are three main business models used by Forex brokers which differ by the way the transactions are handled and orders are executed: ECN, STP and  Market Makers.  

ECN: ECN stands for 'Electronic Communication Network' which is simply a technical term that is used to describe how banks and liquidity providers connect to each other to form a bid and offer price. In the Forex industry, it can be used to identify providers who use this type of pricing mechanism in order to offer raw interbank pricing to retail traders. Under this model your broker will stream raw prices and your trades will be offset with another client, a liquidity provider or held internally by the broker. This usually results in faster trade execution. This is distinct from order execution that may result in an offsetting order placed with a liquidity provider. 

STP: This term stands for Straight Through Processing and is used when a Forex and CFD provider processes all trades at market prices obtained from liquidity provider(s) not on prices created by the broker themselves. This is not dissimilar to the ECN pricing model in that there is no dealing desk intervention when the trade is processed.

Market Maker: In Australia all Forex and CFD providers including IC Markets (KE) have the market making authorisation on their AFS licence, however many do not consider themselves market makers. Typically, market makers operate a dealing desk in order to create their own prices, these prices can be based on their own proprietary trading positions or overall risk exposure and may not reflect the prices in the underlying market.

IC Markets (KE) is the issuer of the products it provides. We consider ourselves to be a forex provider offering the ECN pricing model as we source our pricing from external unrelated liquidity providers via an ECN, these prices are passed onto you with no dealing desk intervention. In order to provide you with better price certainty and to ensure fast execution speed we do not hedge each and every position with our liquidity providers. We do this in order to provide you with a better overall trading experience. 

Opening an account is simple. Click on the Open a Live Account link and complete your application form.

Once your on-line application form has been approved by our accounts team you will be emailed your trading account login details and password.
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Posez simplement votre question dans la zone de recherche ci-dessus pour avoir des réponses directes.

Pour de meilleurs résultats, tapez plus d'un mot et utilisez la formulation des questions. Si nous ne trouvez pas de correspondance, posez votre question différemment (occurrence de tous les mots séparés par un espace).

Questions sur IC Markets (KE)

IC Markets (KE) is regulated by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of Kenya.

IC Markets (KE) holds client money in Segregated Client Trust Accounts at Westpac Banking Corporation and National Australia Bank (NAB). Both banks are AA rated Australian banks.

We may collect your personal information from time to time to make further enquiries about you, including identification checks to meet our legal regulatory oblgations as well as to combat fraud. We do not sell your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes.Our privacy policy (privacy policy) details how we handle your personal information.

Yes, we take the privacy of our clients extremely seriously and have set policy and procedures in place to safeguard the information we request from our clients. Please refer to our Privacy Policy page on the website here: privacy policy

We advise our clients to immediately change the passwords for their registered email with no delays and update the password of their client area as well as trading platform.
The security information must be kept private and should not be saved on a shared or public device.
Please reach our support to notify the incident so appropriate measures are applied from our end at the earliest possible.

Questions sur le trading avec IC Markets (KE)

IC Markets (KE) a deux types de compte MetaTrader 4, un compte standard et notre leader du marché, le compte Raw Spread. IC Markets (KE) n'impute pas de commission sur les comptes standards mais majore le spread de 1 pip au-dessus du taux interbancaire émanant de fournisseurs de liquidité. Le compte Raw spread d'IC Markets (KE) affiche le spread interbancaire brut émanant de fournisseurs de liquidité, sur ce compte une commission de 7$ par lot standard round turn.

IC Markets (KE) permet aux clients d'ouvrir un compte à partir de 200$ USD ou devise équivalente.

IC Markets (KE) offre des options de levier flexibles à partir de 1:1 jusqu'à 1:400. Vous pouvez modifier le levier sur votre compte de trading via votre espace client.

IC Markets (KE) vous permet d'ouvrir plusieurs comptes de trading. Vous pouvez ouvrir un compte supplémentaire via votre espace client.

Les horaires d'ouverture et de clôture des cotations d'IC Markets (KE) sont:
Heure d'ouverture: 00:01 Heure du serveur MetaTrader 4 (lundi)
Heure de clôture: 23:57 Heure du serveur MetaTrader 4 (vendredi)

Veuillez noter que les horaires de certains instruments peuvent varier, tous les horaires de trading sont consultables dans nos spécifications du produit.

Le rollover d'IC Markets (KE) se produit à 00:00 Heure du serveur MetaTrader 4.

Pour aligner le graphique en bougies quotidien avec la clôture de New-York (5pm ET) l'heure du serveur IC Markets (KE) et des graphiques est GMT + 2 ou GMT + 3 à l'heure d'été.
Le tableau ci-dessous précise les dates auxquelles l'heure du serveur est changée pour passer chaque année à l'heure d'été.

Année DST Date de commencement DST Date de fin
2018 11 mars 4 novembre
2019 10 mars 3 novembre

L'heure d'été commence à 2 am le second dimanche de mars et finit à 2 am le premier dimanche de novembre.

The trading hours for gold (XAUUSD) are:
Opening time: 01:02 MetaTrader 4 Server Time
Closing time: 23:57 MetaTrader 4 Server Time


The trading hours for silver (XAGUSD) are:
Opening time: 01:00 MetaTrader 4 Server Time
Closing time: 23:59 (Friday 23:57) MetaTrader 4 Server Time

IC Markets (KE) offre un enseignement complet en ligne, en plus de conduire régulièrement des webinaires de formation sur différents sujets. Les dates et horaires des webinaires sont publiées sur notre site web.

IC Markets (KE) offre plus de 75 paires de devises, incluant les cryptomonnaies.

IC Markets (KE) offre également des CFDs sur les métaux précieux, matières premières, indices, futures, titres et obligations

IC Markets (KE) offre à ses clients plusieurs méthodes pour déposer leurs fonds, incluant mais sans s'y limiter:

  • Banque / Virement bancaire
  • Carte de crédit
  • Skrill
  • Webmoney
  • (Neteller

Notre page financement fournit d'autres informations sur chaque méthode offerte.

Les méthodes de dépôt en ligne telles que les cartes, Paypal, Neteller et Skrill apparaîtront directement sur votre compte de trading.

Les virements bancaires nationaux et Bpay prennent normalement un à deux jours ouvrables. Pour les virements bancaires internationaux, veuillez compter de 3 à 5 jours ouvrables.

Veuillez soumettre vos demandes de retrait via votre espace client. Tous les retraits reçus avant 12:00 Midi AEST / AEDT seront traités dans la journée. Vous pouvez consulter l'intégralité de notre politique de retrait sur notre Page de retraits

Ouvrir un compte est simple. Cliquez sur le Ouvrez un compte réel complétez votre formulaire de demande.

Une fois que votre formulaire de demande en ligne a été approuvé par notre équipe de gestion vous recevrez un email sur votre compte de trading avec les identifiants de connexion et le mot de passe.

Conformément à la loi de 2006 contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme IC Markets (KE) doit vérifier votre identité avant que vous puissiez ouvrir un compte de trading.

L'identité doit être fournie sous la forme d'une photo et d'une preuve de résidence afin de vérifier votre identité.

Photo d'identité
• Doit être claire et visible
• Doit être délivrée par un organisme gouvernemental
• Nom, signature et date d'expiration doivent être lisibles

Preuve de résidence
• De 3 mois maximum
• Doit être au même nom et adresse que votre demande de compte

Notre politique contre le blanchiment d'argent contient de plus amples informations concernant nos exigences d'identifications.

Non, IC Markets (KE) ne paie pas d'intérêt sur les soldes de compte.

IC Markets (KE) does not accept US clients. US CTFC regulation prevents US clients from trading with brokers outside the US. IC Markets (KE) complies with International regulations.

Oui, nous autorisons les stratégies de hedging et de scalping. Nos conditions de spreads et de trading restent le premier choix de nombreux traders et scalpers mondiaux.

IC Markets (KE) ne peut pas ouvrir de nouvelles positions par téléphone, mais si vous ne pouvez pas clôturer vos positions veuillez appeler votre service clientèle au +254 79 8150670 et nous pourrons recevoir de vous un instruction verbale.

Non on ne vous imputera pas de frais d'inactivité sur un compte.

Bien que les comptes démo et réels offrent des expériences similaires de trading, les comptes démo sont majoritairement utilisés pour s'exercer, et ne garantissent pas les mêmes résultats de trading que sur un compte réel.

Forex brokers use three main business models which differ in the way the transactions are handled and orders are executed: ECN, STP and Market Makers.

ECN: ECN stands for 'Electronic Communication Network', which is simply a technical term that is used to describe how banks and liquidity providers connect to each other to form bid and offer prices. In the Forex industry, it can be used to identify providers who use this type of pricing mechanism in order to offer raw interbank pricing to retail traders. Under this model your broker will stream raw prices and your trades will be offset with another client or liquidity provider, or held internally by the broker. This usually results in faster trade execution. This is distinct from order execution, which may result in an offsetting order placed with a liquidity provider.

STP: This term stands for 'Straight Through Processing' and is used when a Forex and CFD provider process all trades at market prices obtained from a liquidity provider. This price is simply passed on by the broker. This is not dissimilar to the ECN pricing model in that the price is not altered and there is no dealing desk intervention when the trade is processed; hence, it is known as STP.

Market Maker: In Australia all Forex and CFD providers, including IC Markets (KE), have the market making authorization on their AFS licence; however, many do not consider themselves market makers. Typically, market makers operate a dealing desk in order to create their own prices. These prices can be based on their own proprietary trading positions or overall risk exposure and may not reflect the prices in the underlying market.

IC Markets (KE) is the issuer of the products it provides. We consider ourselves to be a Forex provider offering the ECN pricing model as we source our pricing from external unrelated liquidity providers. These prices are passed on to you with no dealing desk intervention. In order to provide you with better price certainty and to ensure fast execution speed, we do not hedge each and every position with our liquidity providers. We do this in order to provide you with a better overall trading experience.

When you trade with us, you are trading with IC Markets (KE) as principle, this is the case with all Forex and CFD providers globally.
We do not operate a proprietary trading book, we source our prices from external unrelated liquidity providers or directly, these prices are then passed onto you with no dealing desk intervention.

IC Markets (KE) streams prices from its liquidity providers, who, in their turn, derive those prices from the market (or exchange) in the case of share CFDs; and from banks and non-bank liquidity providers in the case of Forex. The source of the underlying market price may vary for each product.
Although IC Markets (KE)'s prices come from its liquidity providers and IC Market is not practically involved in the making of the price, it is simply streaming prices which it receives; the prices nonetheless become IC Markets (KE)'s when it provides them to clients to execute on. This is the case for all derivative products which IC Markets (KE) offers to its clients.

If you trade 100,000 (1.00)
Commission is $3.50 for opening, and $3.50 for closing; $7.00 for the full round-turn

If you trade 10,000 (0.10)
Commission is $0.35 for opening, and $0.35 for closing; $0.70 for the full round-turn

If you trade 1,000 (0.01)
Commission is $0.035 for opening, and $0.035 for closing; $0.070 for the full round-turn

On MT4 all commission charge for a position is applied at the opening of the trade.

On MT5 commission is charged per side (opening/closing).

*On MT5 the commission column is not rounded up to 3 decimal places but to 2 decimal places only. Thus, commission on a micro lot size $0.035 per side is rounded to $0.04

IC Markets (KE) is the issuer of the products it provides. Our Australian Financial Services (AFS) Licence allows us to make a market; however, we consider ourselves to be a CFD provider offering the ECN pricing model as we do not operate a proprietary trading book and source our pricing from external unrelated liquidity providers. These prices are then passed on to you with no dealing desk intervention. In order to provide you with better price certainty and to ensure fast execution speed, we do not offset each and every single position with our liquidity providers.

When you trade with us you are trading on prices streamed from our Liquidity providers which are ECN prices. IC Markets (KE) does not have a dealing desk that creates its own prices. We do not alter the price in any way, thus our pricing is considered to be “True ECN”.

Yes, we may Hedge some or all of your trades to help manage our overall risk.

We manage our overall risk based on our internal Hedging Policy.

The prices we offer are streamed by bank and non-bank liquidity providers.

IC Markets (KE)'s Australian Financial Services License allows us to make markets, this is the case for all CFD and Forex providers globally. We are not a broker to you but a Forex and CFD issuer. Simply put, acting as a principal to your trades, we are the sole counterparty that allows you to access prices streamed from our liquidity providers that supply IC Markets (KE) with the bank and non-bank pricing.

Technically, when you buy a product at IC Markets (KE), we are selling that product to you. It is not possible for you to buy that product at the exchange directly to complete the transaction due to the attached requirements for higher trade sizes, and margin costs, etc., thus, it has to be dealt with IC Markets (KE) on a principal basis alone.

Typically, market makers are considered to be Forex and CFD providers who operate a dealing desk in order to create their own prices, these prices can be based on their own proprietary trading positions or overall risk exposure and may not reflect the prices in the underlying market. In Australia all Forex and CFD providers have market making authorization on their AFS license however many do not operate in the manner described above and do not consider themselves market makers.

All conflicts of interest can be found in our Terms & Conditions

Everything is the same as it has always been. We believe you’re referencing to one of our account types which we have recently rebranded to “Raw Spread” account.
The reason why we are one of the largest and most successful Forex CFD provider in the world is our Tight and Low Spread. Therefore we decided to communicate our strengths even better with this new account name. Nothing else changed. We decided to keep our product offerings as simple as possible for our clients to understand what exactly they’ll be receiving.

1.0 Pips on Raw Spread account. Detailed information can be found on our Spreads page here: spreads

0.1 Pips on Raw Spread account. Detailed information can be found on our Spreads page here: spreads

We do not have a dealing desk, we are not involved in creating the prices that we show you. IC Markets (KE) offer its clients with a market execution model. This means all the trades are executed at the first available price received from our hedge counterparties once an order has been triggered. Thus, we are not able to offer guaranteed executions exactly at your requested prices, we are simply streaming the prices that we receive.

The current swap rates can be found our Blog Swap Rates page here: https://www.icmarkets.com/blog/metatrader-4-swaps/
Swap rates can also be found within the MetaTrader 4 platform, simply go to the market watch and right click on an instrument and select Specifications. A new window will then open and the swap rates will be displayed.

Yes, we do offer Oil as a spot and future commodity CFD product. More information can be found here: CFDs on commodities

Forex CFD providers apply triple rollover interest on Wednesday, because that's how it's applied by the banks providing liquidity to the FX market.This is because spot forex trades have a 2-day settlement period. A spot FX trade from Monday settles on Wednesday. A trade from Tuesday settles on Thursday. A trade from Wednesday settles on Friday, but a trade from Thursday settles on the following Monday.
The trade has to be rolled through the weekend, because banks are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Triple rollover interest is applied to FX trades open at 5pm New York Time on Wednesday, because that marks the beginning of the new 24-hour trading day (Thursday) in the global FX market. Important to note that, it's not always a charge and you can also earn.

IC Markets (KE) offers over +2100 Stocks CFDs. The full list can be found on our Stocks CFD product page.

A dividend adjustment is applied to take account of the ex-dividend adjustment to the index. This is the number of points by which the index price must be adjusted downwards to take account of those shares in the index which go ex-dividend at the close of the cash market. We will use the ex-dividend figure estimated by Bloomberg (E&OE), rounded to the tick size we use for that index, to determine what adjustment to apply. In the case of long positions, the dividend adjustment is credited to the client's account. In the case of short positions, the dividend adjustment is debited from the client's account.

This could possible be due to the below reasons:
- Refering to BID prices in the case of a Sell position;
- Refering to the chart prices only and not refering to the prices with set mark ups in the case of Buy positions under a Standard account.
Our team can help check this further for you should you like to reach us at support@icmarkets.co.ke mentioning the specific aaccount and trade order details.

IC Markets (KE) Stop out level on MT4 /MT5 and cTrader platform is 50%.This means that if your account's margin level falls to or below 50% then your positions will be automatically closed.

Trading carries risks, from time-to-time market volatility can send your account into a negative balance. The latest changes will mean that you are protected from having your account go into the negative and will quickly return to a zero balance. Please note that this provision is offered by IC Markets (KE) for both retail and professional clients.

IC Markets (KE) offers its clients with Market Execution model.

No, we do not.

Our average execution speed is around 35 milliseconds for Forex. Our trade servers are in the Equinix NY4 data centres in New York, as we are close to our core pricing providers we have some of the best execution speeds out of any broker globally.

IC Markets (KE) does not charge any additional fees or commission for CFD indices trading.

You can do so by visiting your secure client area's "Account Details" link (https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/AccountDetails) under "Profile" section. Simply check or uncheck the "Newsletters and special offers" option and click on "Update Information" button to submit the changes.

You can do so by visiting your secure client area. Login to click on "Daily Market Forecasts" link (https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Autochartist) under "Trading Tools" section. You may choose to subscribe to daily market forecasts from either Autochartist or Trading central, or both.

We do not provide FIX API anymore. You can only get FIX API from the cTrader platform. More information can be found here: https://help.ctrader.com/fix/getfix .

No, a demo account comes with virtual money and is absolutely risk-free to familiarise yourself with our trading platforms and conditions without losing real money.

To add funds to your demo account, go to "Account Summary" link (https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Finance/AccountSummaryPage) under "Accounts" section of your secure client area. Scroll down the page to go to your "Demo Accounts" section. You can now add virtual money to your demo account by clicking on the green colored dollar ($) icon option available in the last column of the table.

IC Markets (KE) rollover occurs at 00:00 MetaTrader 4 Server Time.

Under current ASIC regulations there is no investor compensation fund in case of company insolvency. Please note however that all client funds are held in segregated trust accounts with tier one Australian banks, away from the company’s own funds. Clients with a net credit balance at the time of insolvency can be paid both from funds that are held in the segregated trust accounts and also from the company’s other available funds. Fortunately, IC Market's corporate account balance is substantial and in the very unlikely event of insolvency those funds would cover clients, we well exceed the capital requirements set by our regulators. You can also refer to section 9.3 of our Product Disclosure Statement ‘Payments to you in IC Markets (KE) Insolvency’ for more information.

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a personal trading advice that may impact your trading decisions. Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary.

Questions sur le marché Forex

Le Forex ou le 'marché des changes', est le plus important marché financier au monde, avec un turnover quotidien moyen autour de 3$ trillions USD. Le trading Forex est l'achat simultané d'une devise et la vente d'une autre. Le prix des devises est flottant et dépend de l'offre et de la demande. Le Forex est toujours négocié en paires, par exemple EUR/USD ou AUD/USD.

Faire de l'argent dans le trading forex implique d'acheter bas et de revendre haut ou de vendre haut et d'acheter bas en retour, en utilisant le levier qui vous permet de déposer un plus petit montant d'argent pour atteindre le même pouvoir d'achat que si vous aviez acheté et vendu directement.

Dans cet exemple Mary dépose 5,000$ sur son compte de trading forex et choisit un levier de 1:100. Mécaniquement, le pouvoir d'achat de Mary passe de 5,000$ à 500,000$. Mary décide d'ACHETER 0.1 lots de AUD/USD au prix de 0.99802, 3 ans plus tard le prix de l'AUD/USD est 1.04069 et Mary décide de clôturer sa position. Le profit de Mary est calculé (1.04069 – 0.99802) 426 pips. Quand Mary a ouvert une position de 0.1 lots elle a fait un profit de 426$ ou $1 par pip.

Bien sûr si l'AUD/USD avait bougé contre Mary sous le prix d'ouverture de son trade au niveau de 0.97802 Mary aurait subi une perte de (0.99802 – 0.95542) 426 pips. Comme les positions de Mary étaient de 0.1 lots Mary aurait subi une perte de 426$ ou 1$ par pip.

On dit que le Forex est l'un des marchés les plus équitables et les plus transparents sur terre et c'est en grande partie à cause du nombre important de participants au marché, l'ampleur et le nombre de transactions. Aucun pays ou banque ne peut entièrement contrôler la direction d'une devise.

Le marché Forex n'est pas localisé, contrairement aux marchés actions et Futures, le Forex n'est pas négocié sur un échange mais de gré à gré (OTC) sans échange entre les banques, gouvernements, fonds spéculatifs et investisseurs privés. Le marché Forex est ouvert 24h/24 5 jours par semaine.

les principaux participants au marché Forex sont les banques centrales, banques commerciales et d'investissement, cependant ces dernières années l'émergence de l'accessibilité internet aux marchés Forex a explosé entraînant la hausse du nombre de participants. Ces participants quotidiens incluent aussi de grandes sociétés multinationales, gestionnaires de portefeuille, courtiers inscrits, agents de change et investisseurs privés.

Le marché Forex est un marché ininterrompu, le trading débute à Wellington, Nouvelle-Zélande puis fait le tour du globe en fonction des jours ouvrables de chaque place financière. Les principales places financières mondiales où la plupart du trading forex se passe sont Tokyo, Londres et New-York. Le marché forex ouvre le dimanche à 10:00pm (GMT) et clôture le vendredi à 10:00pm (GMT).

Les paires de devises les plus liquides sont celles des pays politiquement stables et où les banques centrales sont respectées. Les paires de devises les plus populaires sont celles couplées avec le dollar US, on les appelle les ‘majeures’ et comptent à peu près pour 85% des transactions. Les paires les plus courantes sont EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF et USD/CAD.

Il existe de nombreux aspects techniques et fondamentaux pouvant entraîner un mouvement du taux de change. Les influences les plus notables incluent les taux d'intérêt, l'inflation et la stabilité politique. Des fois les gouvernements achètent ou vendent une devise afin d'orienter sa valeur dans le but d'avoir un effet plus important sur l'économie du pays. Cela est connu comme l'intervention de la banque centrale et peut avoir un impact conséquent sur la valeur de la monnaie. Etant donné le nombre et la diversité des participants, un facteur unique ne suffit pas à influencer le marché forex et ce, quelle que soit la durée.

Il existe de nombreuses stratégies de gestion du risque utilisées par les traders Forex. La forme la plus courante de gestion du risque est le stop loss et la limite. Les ordres stop loss orders peuvent être définis sur la plateforme MetaTrader 4 et sont utilisés pour forcer la clôture d'une position à un prix prédéterminé afin de limiter les pertes. L'ordre limite fonctionne à peu près de la même manière que le stop loss, cependant il autorise de placer une restriction sur le prix maximum payé.

Les traders Forex utilisent une variété de stratégies de trading basées sur l'analyse technique et fondamentale. Aujourd'hui, le trading technique est devenu plus populaire et les traders utilisent de nombreux indicateurs techniques tels que les lignes de tendance, les niveaux de support et de résistance et beaucoup d'autres méthodes pour identifier les opportunités de trading à moyen terme. Certains traders choisissent d'utiliser l'analyse fondamentale qui tourne autour de l'interprétation des données économiques incluant les annonces, rapports gouvernementaux et parfois même la rumeur. Malgré tout, ce sont souvent des éléments extérieurs à l'analyse technique et fondamentale qui sont responsables des conséquences les plus dramatiques sur les prix des devises, cela inclut les événements tels que l'intervention des banques centrales, changement des taux d'intérêt, changement politique ou même la guerre.

Non, le trading forex n'a jamais été bon marché et plus accessible. Les traders peuvent à présent négocier sur des cotations de qualité avec un dépôt de 200$ et un levier jusqu'à 500:1. Il est cependant essentiel de se rappeler que malgré l'idée que le trading avec levier puisse maximiser vos profits, il peut aussi amplifier vos pertes.

Comprendre les problèmes de MetaTrader 4

Si vous ne voyez pas tous les instruments dans la fenêtre d'observation du marché, faites un clic droit dans la zone du marché et sélectionnez ‘tout montrer’.

‘Trade Context est occupé’ est une erreur courante de MetaTrader 4, l'erreur se produit car MetaTrader 4 ne peut pas traiter plusieurs requêtes à la fois, pour réparer cette erreur, fermez et relancez votre plateforme de trading MetaTrader 4. Veuillez lire notre guide code erreur MetaTrader 4 qui précise les erreurs de messages courants sur MetaTrader 4.

Sur les plateformes MetaTrader 4 et MetaTrader 5, l'heure des graphiques reflète l'heure du serveur et ne peut être modifiée. Mais pour la plateforme cTrader, vous pouvez régler l'heure selon votre fuseau horaire.

Le swap de taux peut être trouvé sur notre page Blog Swap de taux. Le swap de taux est aussi sur la plateforme MetaTrader 4, rendez-vous dans observation du marché, cliquez droit sur un instrument et sélectionnez spécifications. Une nouvelle fenêtre s'ouvrira et affichera le swap de taux.

Si vous maintenez une position ouverte le mercredi soir, le montant est ajouté ou retiré de votre compte en raison du fait que le swap de taux imputé est de trois fois le montant usuel. Le swap de taux triple est imputé sur le compte durant le rollover du mercredi soir pour le règlement des trades durant le week-end où il n'y a pas de swap de taux en raison de la clôture du marché.

Les comptes démo sont clôturés après 30 jours d'inactivité. Si le compte démo est toujours actif, vérifiez dans l'email que vous avez reçu à l'ouverture du compte que vous utilisez le bon numéro de compte, mot de passe et serveur. Vous pouvez également consulter les identifiants de votre plateforme en utilisant l'espace client sécurisé.

L'erreur ‘compte invalide’ se produit lorsque votre identifiant ou mot de passe est incorrect. Cela peut aussi se produire si vous avez sélectionné la mauvaise adresse de serveur. Veuillez consulter vos informations de compte et réessayez plus tard.

Afin que les robots Forex fonctionnent sur MetaTrader 4 vous devez cliquer sur le bouton robots Forex dans votre terminal de trading pour autoriser cette fonctionnalité.

Understanding platforms

To access the MT4 platform you will need your account number, password and server information from the email we sent you ‘MT4 Live Account Details’.
Open your MT4 platform and select File – Login to Trade Account.
In the login box enter your account number. Make sure to enter your password correctly, if you are copying and pasting make sure not to copy any extra spaces over.
From the drop down menu select the relevant server that was listed in the email.
If you cannot see the server, simply type it manually as live(server number).icmarkets.co.ke and select Login.
You’ll see your connection status update in the bottom right hand corner of the platform.
If the connections status shows ‘invalid account’, make sure your password was entered correctly. If it shows ‘no connection’, double check the server address was entered correctly.

Each cTrader user has their own unique cTID, which is a set of login details used to access the trading platform. All cTrader trading accounts are linked to just one cTID.
Your cTrader ID will be automatically created for you once your cTrader account is approved.
You will receive an email with the subject heading ‘Welcome to cTrader ID’. Select ‘Confirm cTrader ID’.
You can now sign in to the cTrader platform using your email address and the password from the welcome email.
Once you have logged in you will see your IC Markets (KE) trading account is automatically linked.
If you open an additional cTrader account, it will be automatically linked to your cTID and you will see it available the next time you login to the platform.

Please follow below steps on your mobile platform:
  • Go to settings
  • Click on trade accounts
  • Then click on the small plus sign
  • Login to an existing account
  • Search for the server
  • Select the correct server for your account
  • Enter your login credentials

This may happen if you try to connect to an incorrect server. Please select the correct server from the list while connecting to your trade account on a mobile app.

No, you cannot directly attach an EA script to a mobile MT4 or MT5 trading application.

To manually install an expert advisor on your trading platform, complete the following steps:
  • Download and save the file.
  • Identify if the file is archived or in its normal format (right click on the file and select Properties, at the top it will say if it is a MetaQuotes Language 4 file. If it is not, it is most likely an archive)
  • If the file is archived or zipped, make sure to unzip the file.
  • Now open your MT4 platform. At the menu bar, click File > Open Data Folder
  • Double click the ‘MQL4’ folder and then open the ‘Experts’ folder.
  • Now go back to where you downloaded your Expert Advisors and drag them into the open ‘Experts’ Folder.
  • Once done, close all windows.
  • Restart MetaTrader 4 platform and the EAs should appear in your ‘Navigator’ panel.

As you are trading leveraged CFD products, you can invest more than the balance you have in the account, thus the losses are magnified too. If you trade on leverage, then the face value of your trading position is more than the amount you have in your trading account. Therefore, if the market moves against your trade significantly, it could make your account balance negative.
With IC Markets (KE), the margin call level is 100% and the stop out level is 50%. This means that, as soon as the margin level drops to 100%, you'll see a margin call that is an indication to take an appropriate measure on the account by either reducing the exposure or funding the account further. If the margin level drops further to or below 50% system will automatically start closing out positions to bring back the margin level to a reasonable level.

If your account balance becomes negative, we recommend you contact our support team so we can discuss the options available to you.

They are both established platforms in the industry. Though MT4 has been around longer and is still the most popular amongst traders, cTrader is cutting edge technology and has several additional features to the MT4. We would recommend you demo both platforms to see which one you prefer and suits your trading style. Some of the key differences are the user interface, the advanced take profit and stop loss systems, detachable charts, varying chart time frames, live sentiment and depth of market displayed by default. There is also a vast range of custom indicators and Expert Advisors readily available for MT4.
Commissions have slight differences, but all other aspects are pretty much the same.

Since our platforms host accounts on different servers, please create individual trading accounts for each platform. You will be given the option to select the desired platfom in the Client Area: https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/OpenAccount/OpenRealAccount

To align the daily chart candles with New York close (5pm ET) IC Markets (KE) server time and charts are GMT + 2 or GMT + 3 when daylight savings is in effect. Unfortunately, the server time cannot be changed.

We would suggest to host your platform on a VPS (virtual private server). VPS servers are colocated in financial data centers, deliver ultra low latency and fast execution speed for forex trading.

Latency directly influences the amount of time it takes for a trade to interact with the market.

If minimum trading volumes are met, we are able to sponsor the cost of a VPS up to USD $35 per month. You can email our support team or contact us on live chat if you feel that you will meet our criteria.

With IC Markets (KE), an account is considered hyperactive when it exceeds 5,000 server messages per day. The following messages exchanged with the MT4 server can be reason of hyperactivity:
  • “open order”
  • “close order”
  • “pending order”
  • “no money”

Please check your account and make the changes necessary to lower your server messages.

Investor password is a read-only password that you may use to build and analyse your account's portfolio. Getting an investor password is easy. Simply, open MT4 / MT5 platform.
Go to Tools, Options, Server, Select "Change". Enter current (master) password, tick "Change Investor" (read-only) password and enter your desired password.

To locate your MetaTrader 4 log files:
Start your MetaTrader 4 terminal
Go to: File -> Open Data Folder -> Logs, where you will find the log files from your MT4 Journals tab.

As the platform is installed locally on your computer, we cannot influence how slowly or fast it works. There might be several reasons, such as:

  1. too many indicators being installed and used on charts,
  2. too many charts opened at the same time,
  3. any extra software, such as EA,
  4. small RAM on your PC
  5. or a large influx of data received at your platform

We suggest you install a separate platform and run it without any EA and indicators to see if it fixes the problem. You may also contact our support team, who will be able to troubleshoot the problem for you.


Free margin is the amount of funds you have available in your trading account that can be used to open more positions or cover losses of open positions. If your trades are making a profit you will see your free margin increase.

While our demo accounts reflect as accurately as possible the conditions of the real account, due to technical limitations it will never be possible to guarantee they will be identical. The demo accounts are a great tool for familiarizing yourself with the functions of the platform only.

We do offer Netting accounts on our MT5 and cTrader platforms. Should you wish to request one, please contact our support team.

Unfortunately, as both cTrader and MT4 accounts are attached to two different platfroms and work on different servers, it is not possible to use the login details of one platform over the other.

In currency trading ‘gaping’ typically occurs when the currency re-opens for trading after a weekend / rollover. Gaps are usually caused by low liquidity in the market. If these gaps occur because the chart is not uploading correctly, it is possible to retrieve the missing data by refreshing the chart.

Right click on any instrument in the 'Market Watch' section, then left click on the 'Specification' button, a new window will open that shows the Trading Hours for the instrument selected.

Please note that, different instruments have different trading hours attached to them. For detailed information, you may refer to the following link: trading hours

We do not offer 24/7 crypto trading for the time being. Please refer here to the trading hours: trading hours

Stocks are available exclusively on the IC Markets (KE)'s MetaTrader 5 platform. To have them added to your account, please email us at support@icmarkets.co.ke. Your MT5 trading account must be funded for the request to be successful.

You receive your MT4 password when you first open your trading account. For security reasons, we recommend that you change the password when you first access your account. You may also lose or forget your password and need to reset it.
To change the password on the platform, select Tools - Options - Server Tab and then the ‘Change’ button.
Enter your current password and make sure ‘Change Master Password’ is checked.
Enter your new password, ensuring it is a minimum of five characters long and is a combination of upper and lowercase letters and digits. Confirm the password in the second box and select OK. The change was successful if no error messages appear.
If you have forgotten or lost your password you can reset it via your Secure Client Area. Sign in and select ‘Change Trading Account Password’. Enter and Confirm your new password and select Save. You will also receive an email confirming the change was successful.

The visual mode option doesn't appear in the default window. Drag and enlarge the tester window slightly; and you will be able to view the option.

To reset your cTrader ID password, please follow the steps in the below link: https://id.ctrader.com/reset

You can find full information on cTrader platform and it's features on the Spotware official website. Here is the link (https://help.ctrader.com/)

Choosing the right trading platform is an important part of your trading. There is no right or wrong platform, however, choosing the most suitable one entirely depends on the features that you are seeking as well as your own experience of the platform itself. It is always good that you test the available platforms and determine what suits you best

cTrader is a recently released retail trading platform. There are a number of features that are the same as MT4 in cTrader, however as it is a more recent platform, built by traders, there are some additional features which might help the trading community. Some of the key differences are the user interface, the advanced take profit and stop loss systems, detachable charts, varying chart time frames, live sentiment and depth of market displayed by default, ability to show units or lot sizes, readily available onscreen calculations.
MT4 is a much older platform but has a great deal of support and features available online and through the MetaQuotes. There is also a vast range of custom indicators and Expert Advisors readily available for MT4.

Resetting a account's password is a very easy process. Simply login to your secure client area and click on "Chage Trading Account password" link (https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Finance/AccountSummaryPage?changePassword=true) under the "Profile" section.
Set the new password and confirm the details.
Click "Save" to apply the changes.

The ‘invalid account’ error occurs when your username or password is incorrect. This can also occur if you have selected the wrong server address. Please check your account login details and try entering those manually without any spaces.

If you are get this error message at the connection status bar, please manually type the server as follows into the server box:
LiveXX.icmarkets.com , where XX stands for the live server number. For example, 15 for ICMarkets-Live15. The server details can also be found under the login credential email or the platform credentials link in your secure client area.

If you cannot see all the instruments in the market watch window, simply right click your mouse in the market watch area and select ‘show all’.

Depending on the technology you are using, it is quite normal to experiencing some freezing or delays on your platform during news or other volatile periods, simply because of the influx of data being sent to your terminal. To minimise the risk of freezing it is advisable to use the fastest possible internet connection and top possible hardware specifications. Hosting your platform on a VPS instead of your local hard drive would also minimise such occurences.

To enable notifications on the platfoirm, you may use the inbuilt "Notifications" option from MT4 platform's Options window or you may also use the Alarm Manager offered by IC Markets (KE) as one of its advanced trading tool.
For the inbuilt option, please follow below steps:
  • Go to Tools
  • Click on Options
  • Switch to "Notifications" tab and update the settings as required.

In order change your trade account password, please open MT4 platform.
Go to Tools and then Options
Go to Server tab and clock on "Change" button in front of Login and Password fields.
Enter current (master) password, opt for "Change master password" and enter your desired new password.
Click "Ok" to confirm resetting the account's master password.

Platform freezing is common if there is an influx in the amount of data reaching your terminal. Make sure you’re on a dedicated high speed netwrok connection.

Platform freezing is common if there is an influx in the amount of data reaching your gterminal. Make sure you’re on a 4G data or strong WiFi, with a high inetrnet speeds

To add an EA, open MT4 and then go to ‘file’ and then ‘open data folder’. Choose ‘MQL4’, and then ‘expert advisors’ or ‘indicators’. You can then copy the file you want to add into this location. Close and reopen MT4, and you should see the item in the navigator window. If you didn’t make the EA or indicator then be sure to test it in with your demo account first.

Questions sur le trading Forex en ligne

Sur le Forex, le spread est la différence entre le prix BID et ASK. Afin d'‘être long’ vous devez passer un ordre d'ACHAT et négocier sur le prix ASK, si vous avez prévu d'‘être court’ vous passez un ordre de VENTE et négociez sur le prix BID.

IC Markets (KE) a deux types de compte, un compte standard et notre vrai compte ECN leader du marché. IC Markets (KE) n'impute pas de commission sur les comptes standards mais majore le spread de 0.8 pip au-dessus du taux interbancaire émanant de nos fournisseurs de liquidité. Le vrai compte ECN IC Markets (KE) offre le spread brut interbancaire émanant de nos fournisseurs de liquidité, sur ce compte la commission est de 7$ par lot standard.

IC Markets (KE) supporte le trading de micro lots. Sur MetaTrader 4, un micro lot représente 0.01 équivalent à 1000 unités de la devise de base.

Le trading internet sur MetaTrader 4, la plateforme de trading mondial la plus populaire est simple. Une fois que vous avez téléchargé et installé la plateforme de trading, connectez-vous et double cliquez sur instrument sur l'écran d'observation du marché. Sur le ticket d'ordre qui apparaît, entrez le volume de trading désiré puis cliquez sur ‘achat marché’ ou ‘vente marché’, un ordre d'exécution au marché sera alors traité. La plateforme MetaTrader 4 remplira automatiquement votre ordre s'il y a suffisamment de fonds sur votre compte de trading. Votre position ouverte apparaîtra sur le terminal de trading et le profit / perte et la marge seront calculées en temps réel selon le mouvement du prix.

La marge est la somme d'argent requise sur votre compte afin d'ouvrir une position. La marge est calculée en se basant sur le prix actuel de la devise de base face à l'USD, la taille (volume) de la position et le levier appliqué à votre compte de trading. Si vous n'avez pas suffisamment de capital disponible vous ne pourrez pas ouvrir de position sur la plateforme de trading. Le montant de marge libre affiché sur la plateforme de trading est le montant que vous pouvez utiliser si vous souhaitez ouvrir d'autres positions.

La marge est calculée en utilisant la formule suivante:

Marge requise = (prix actuel du marché x Volume) / Levier du compte

En pratique cela serait calculé comme suit:
Si une position ouverte de 0.1 (10000) sur EUR/USD prix actuel du marché à 1.35645 et que votre compte a un levier de 1:400 vous calculeriez la marge requise comme suit:
(1.35645 x 10000) / 400 = $33.91

Dans cet exemple la marge sur cette position serait de 33.91$, donc afin d'ouvrir une position de cette taille vous auriez besoin d'au moins 33.91$ de marge libre sur votre compte de trading.

MetaTrader 4 autorise les ordres en attente. Les ordres en attente sont stockés sur le serveur et sont exécutés lorsque les conditions fixées sont toutes remplies.

MetaTrader 4 autorise les ordres stop suiveurs qui peuvent être introduits à partir du terminal de trading.

Si vous n'avez pas de marge disponible, vos positions seront stoppées, dans certains cas, si la perte sur les positions stoppées excède votre solde de compte, vous serez en découvert.

Le niveau d'appel de marge d'IC Markets (KE) est à 100%, cela veut dire que vous recevrez un appel de marge quand votre capital sera à 100% de la marge requise sur vos positions ouvertes. Le capital est calculé comme suit (Solde + Profit/perte ouverts).

Le niveau de marge stop out d'IC Markets (KE) est à 50%, cela signifie que si votre marge disponible chute sous la barre de 50%, vos positions seront automatiquement clôturées. MetaTrader 4 les clôturera automatiquement en partant de la plus importante position perdante jusqu'à la plus petite.

Le niveau de marge stop out est calculé en utilisant la formule suivante.
Niveau de marge = capital / marge utilisée x 100%
= niveau de marge%

Exemple de travail
La marge d'un compte de trading est de 10,000$ USD (capital) avec 1 lot standard sur USD/JPY et un levier de 100 serait calculé ainsi:
= 10,000 / 1,000 x 100%
= 1000% niveau de marge
Si la position se déplace en votre défaveur et que votre capital chute à 5,000$ le calcul serait:

= 5,000 / 1,000 x 100%
= 500% niveau de marge

Si la position se déplace encore plus en votre défaveur et que le capital chute à 499$ la position serait stoppée car le niveau de marge aurait chuté sous les 100%.
= 499 / 1,000 x 100%
= 49.9% niveau de marge

Dans cTrader, le Smart Stop Out logic a été conçu pour fournir un maximum de protection aux comptes des traders. Ce logique remplacera le Stop Out logique équitable de cTrader’s car il offre aux utilisateurs des avantages conséquents grâce à un algorithme beaucoup plus avancé.

Si le niveau de marge chute sous le niveau du Smart Stop Out, les positions commenceront à être partiellement clôturées jusqu'à ce que le niveau de marge passe au-dessus du Smart Stop Out. La logique du Smart Stop Out ne clôturera que le nécessaire dans les positions les plus importantes afin de restaurer sûrement le niveau de marge et de protéger aussi longtemps que possible la position en elle-même, le point d'entrée de la position et le compte de trading.

Pour en savoir plus: http://www.icmarkets.co.ke/ctrader-smart-stop-out/

L'écran de confirmation du deal affiche un résumé de l'ordre placé incluant son numéro, la quantité (volume) et le prix auquel l'ordre a été rempli. La date et l'heure du placement de l'ordre est affichée dans la fenêtre trade.

Vous pouvez générer des reports de compte à partir du terminal de trading en sélectionnant l'onglet historique. Cliquez droit sur l'historique et vous pourrez sélectionner dans le nouvel onglet la période de temps du rapport que vous souhaitez générer. Nouveau clic droit pour accéder aux options d'enregistrement du rapport sur le lecteur ou en format HTML à consulter sur un navigateur web.

MetaTrader 4 bénéficie d'une position en temps réel avec la possibilité de consulter votre solde de compte, capital, marge et marge disponible en temps réel en plus des profits et pertes sur chaque position ouverte. Ces informations peuvent être trouvées dans l'onglet trade dans la section terminal de la plateforme. Vous pouvez consulter votre historique de compte sous l'onglet historique dans la même zone.

Si vous êtes un nouveau client, veuillez cliquer sur ouvrir un nouveau compte démo. Si vous êtes déjà client d'IC Markets (KE), vous pouvez ouvrir un compte démo supplémentaire à partir de votre espace membre.

Les comptes démo n'expireront qu'après 30 jours d'inactivité.

Une position ‘longue’ équivaut à entrer dans une transaction d'ACHAT, à l'inverse une position ‘courte’ équivaut à entrer dans une transaction de VENTE.
A titre d'exemple si vous ACHETEZ 1 lot standard lot ou 100,000 unités EUR contre USD vous entrez sur une position ‘longue’. Et si vous vendez 1 lot standard lot de 100,000 unités AUD contre USD vous entrez sur une position ‘courte’.

Il n'y a pas de limite au nombre de trades placés chaque mois.

Il existe une limite de 200 ordres sur votre compte, ouverts ou en attente. Une fois les 200 ordres atteints, vous ne pourrez pas placer d'autres trades.

IC Markets (KE) est un courtier ECN et n'offre pas de bonus de dépôt.

Nos plateformes MetaTrader 4 et cTrader sont configurées pour clôturer automatiquement vos positions lorsque vos exigences de marge atteignent 100% (niveau stop out). Ce processus est automatisé et n'est pas une garantie que votre compte connaîtra pas de solde négatif. Nous vous recommandons de toujours garder un solde positif et supérieur à votre marge requise. Si le niveau de stop est atteint, un ordre au marché est déclenché pour clôturer toutes vos positions ouvertes au prochain prix de marché disponible.

Des événements tels les chevauchements de marchés dans le week-end ou lors des principales vacances où la liquidité est maigre peut augmenter les chances que vos positions soient stoppées et que votre solde passe en négatif. Nous vous conseillons d'utiliser des ordres stop loss pour limiter votre risque et de surveiller régulièrement le niveau de marge de votre compte. Vous serez tenu responsable de tout solde négatif sur votre compte de trading.

Vous pouvez garder vos positions ouverte pour une période de temps indéfinie.

Oui, vous pouvez vous connecter sur plusieurs comptes à partie d'une seule plateforme en utilisant le multi terminal MT4. Vous pouvez aussi installer plusieurs instances de la plateforme MT4 pour chaque connexion.

oui, il est possible de se connecter à votre compte MetaTrader 4 avec le même identifiant et mot de passe en même temps sur des ordinateurs séparés.

Oui, vous pouvez utiliser la plateforme de trading MetaTrader 4 sur Mac, mais vous devez installer des systèmes d'exploitation parallèles.

Slippage is an inherent part of financial markets. Whether you are trading Stocks, Futures, CFDs on Commodities or Forex you will be subject to slippage. When you place a market order you are requesting your order to be filled at the current markets prices however if the market has moved between the time you place your order and the time it has been filled your order may be filled at a different price. Slippage can increase when markets become volatile such as over new releases, you should keep this in mind when trading outside of normal market conditions.

Stop Loss orders when triggered enter the market as market orders, therefore their is no guarantee that your order will be filled at the price you place your stop loss.

Sur MetaTrader 4, les graphiques reflètent seulement le prix 'Bid', le prix 'Ask' n'est pas affiché. Vous pouvez cependant dessiner une ligne 'Ask' sur les graphiques en cliquant sur le graphique et en sélectionnant 'afficher la ligne ask', cela entrainera une estimation du prix 'Ask' entièrement basé sur le spread. Gardez cela en tête lorsque vous conduisez une analyse historique à l'aide des graphiques disponibles sur MetaTrader 4.

Les serveurs MT4 et d'IC Markets (KE) sont situés dans les centres de données Equinix new-yorkais et londonien NY4 et LD5 IBX, fournissant aux clients les vitesses d'exécution les plus rapides possibles. Les centres de données Equinix sont mondialement connus pour leurs infrastructures sécurisées et fiables.

La latence de votre ordinateur aux serveurs IC Markets (KE) peut être testée en réalisant un test ping.

Les instructions ci-dessous vous guideront dans la conduite du test
Etape 1 : Allez dans le menu démarrer de votre ordinateur et tapez 'CMD' dans la zone de recherche 'programmes et fichiers'.
Etape 2 : tapez le mot 'ping' suivi d'un espace et l'adresse IP du ping souhaité.
Etape 3 : la dernière ligne du résultat affichera le minimum en millisecondes, le temps moyen et maximum pour envoyer et recevoir des données de votre ordinateur au serveur.

A market order is submitted at the current market price, however it may not necessarily execute at the price requested. The trader executes this order with a volume and price offered by the broker. You will get filled at the next best available bid/ask for the volume you are trading.

The trader may execute using a pending order if they expect the market to go up or down but don’t wish to enter until a certain price level is reached; the order will not be filled if price does not reach this level.
A pending order is broken up into six types:
  • Buy Limit
  • Sell Limit
  • Buy Stop
  • Sell Stop
  • Buy Stop Limit
  • Sell Stop Limit

An instruction from an investor to a broker to buy a certain amount of an asset. Buy orders may take various forms. For example, an investor may instruct the broker to buy immediately at the best available price, or to wait until a certain price is reached. A buy order opens at Ask Price and closes at Bid price.

An instruction from an investor to a broker to sell a certain amount of an asset. Sell orders may take various forms. For example, an investor may instruct the broker to sell immediately at the best available price, or to wait until a certain price is reached. A sell order opens at Bid Price and closes at Ask price.

Buy limit orders are placed when a trader wishes to buy, or go long below the current market price. When the market dips and touches the requested price, a buy limit order is executed. The Buy Limit order is executed if the Ask Price on the platform drops to a level that's equal to or lower than the specified buy limit price.

Sell limit orders are placed when a trader wishes to sell, or go short above the current market price. When the market rises and touches the requested price, a sell limit order is executed.The Sell Limit order is executed if the Bid Price on the platform rises to a level that's equal to or higher than the specified sell limit price.

Buy stop orders are placed when a trader wishes to buy, or go long above the current market price. The Buy Stop order is executed once the Ask price is equal to or higher than the specified "Stop" price.

Sell Stop orders are placed when a trader wishes to sell, or go short below the current market price. The Sell Stop order is executed once the Bid price is equal to or lower than the specified "Stop" price.

The stop-limit order will be executed at a specified price, or better, after a given stop price has been reached. Once the stop price is reached, the stop-limit order becomes a limit order to buy or sell at the limit price or the next best available price.

A trailing stop is a type of stop loss order attached to a trade that moves as the price fluctuates. It is designed to lock in profits or limit losses as a trade moves favorably by a certain amount of pips as set by the investor.
Key point to note is that trailing stops only move if the price moves favorably. Once it moves to lock in a profit or reduce a loss, it doesn't move back the other way.

On the MT4/MT5 platform, if the account is perfectly hedged and does not require any margin, the positions will remain open.

Please note that different hedge margin level and settings may be applied to different products and platforms. The option to hedge a position while in negative Free Margin may not be available across our full product offering. We suggest you make yourself fully aware of the product specifications of the instruments you are trading or intend to trade. We recommend establishing a demo account to familiarise yourself with the Hedging Mechanics and associated risks.

For further clarification, please contact our support team.

You are liable to pay Margin before the CFD is issued and you may be required to pay more Margin before a CFD is closed.

IC Markets (KE) Futures CFDs are set to expire on the day the contract expires on the underlying market. When a Futures CFD contract expires, all open positions will be closed at the futures settlement price; as reported by the futures exchange. This process would usually take place on the day following the expiry. Open positions are not rolled to the next front month so any clients wishing to hold long term positions must reopen the trade on the next available contract.

IC Markets (KE) does not directly offer any signal services, we have however partnered with Myfxbook to offer Autotrade. Autotrade allows you to copy strategies offered by signal providers on Myfxbook directly into your IC Markets (KE) trading account.

Alternatively, you may directly subscribe to the signals from MT4 platform.

Questions sur le trading CFDs en ligne

Les horaires d'ouverture des CFDs reflètent les horaires de l'instrument sous-jacent sur lequel est basé le CFD. Veuillez consulter les fiches des spécifications des produits CFDs chez IC Markets (KE) détaillant les horaires d'ouverture de chaque contrat CFD.

IC Markets (KE) n'impute pas de frais additionnels ou de commission sur le trading des CFDs.

Les taux de marge de chaque contrat CFD varient et dépendent du contrat CFD négocié. Généralement, les taux varient de 0.5 – 1%, Veuillez consulter les fiches des spécifications des produits CFDs chez IC Markets (KE) détaillant les exigences de marge pour chaque contrat CFD.

Les CFDs ont des tailles de trade minimum. La taille de trade minimum est 1 contrat CFD.

Les prix des CFD d'IC Markets (KE) sont calculés en fonction du prix de l'instrument sous-jacent avec un ajustement réalisé pour une valeur équitable. La valeur équitable est égale au prix spot après avoir pris en compte l'intérêt composé et les dividendes.

Account Application

Account verification usually takes a few minutes but can take a couple of hours in some cases. If you have not heard back from our accounts team regarding the current status of your account application via email, we suggest you visit our live chat support or email us at accounts@icmarkets.co.ke.

Yes, you can. As part of our Australian anti-money laundering requirements you are required to provide us with your identification. To ensure that your account application is approved please submit the documents as outlined below.

Company Information:
1. Copy of your Companies Constitution or Articles or Incorporation
2. Company Proof of Address (Utility Bill or Bank Statement not older than 3 months)
3. Photo ID of at Least One Director
4. Proof of Residence of at Least One Director
5. LEI registration number (a unique identifier for persons that are legal entities and were created for global identification purposes.)

The following are acceptable forms of photo identification:
- Valid Passport
- Valid Government ID such as a Drivers Licence or State ID
- Valid National Identity Card
The following are acceptable forms of proof of residence:
- Utility or Phone Bill or Bank Statement

All proof of residences must be current and not older than 90 days.

If you have already provided us with your Company Information, Company Proof of Address, Directors Photo ID and Directors Proof of Residence you do not need to provide us with this information again.

Traders of Islamic faith can apply for Islamic accounts during the registration process only. If you have not selected Islamic account option and wish your account to be converted to swap free, please send an email to support@icmarkets.co.ke for more details.

Unfortunately, as per our AML regulations,we do not accept P.O.Box details as a valid residential address.

Unfortunately, your account application might be refused should you fail to provide the requested or alternative form of documentation.

They are usually just a gimmick offered by some forex brokers as a way to lock in your profits. As a fully regulated Forex CFD provider we do believe that those are not best practices for our clients.

A document is only not accepted should it not meet the requirements. Our accounts department sends an update via email when a document is classified as not acceptable, and provides with clear instructions on the requirement that need to be met.

Account verifications normally take from a few minutes to a business day in some cases.

You can provide a bank statement or a secondary form of identification document showing your residential address.

You may find the key information about our entities and regulations here https://www.icmarkets.co.ke/en/company/entities

While we welcome clients from all over the globe, governmental restrictions along with our company policies prohibit IC Markets (KE) from opening accounts originated from the following restricted and/or OFAC sanctioned countries: AML Policy

We allow clients to register under our ASIC and FSA regulations, however, there might be restrictions based on your country. You will be able to see the regulation applicable to your country on the registration page.

No, IC Markets (KE) does not pay interest on account balances.

Yes, we do accept joint account applications. Should you wish to open a joint account, you will need to open two individual accounts then send us a request support@icmarkets.co.ke to join them. If you already have an individual account, you can submit a request for us to join this account with the second person's account. 

Please note that both parties need to agree in order to proceed with the joint application.

Yes, we do offer corporate accounts. Opening a corporate account application is easy. Simply choose the account type as "Corporate" while registering yourself here: https://www.icmarkets.co.ke/en/open-trading-account/live . To ensure that your account is approved please submit the documents as outlined below.

Company Information:
1. Copy of your Companies Constitution or Articles or Incorporation
2. Company Proof of Address
(Utility Bill or Bank Statement not older than 3 months)
3. Photo ID of at Least One Director
4. Proof of Residence of at Least One Director

The following are acceptable forms of photo identification:
Valid Passport
Valid Government ID such as a Drivers Licence or State ID
Valid National Identity Card

The following are acceptable forms of proof of residence:
Utility or Phone Bill or Bank Statement

All proof of residences must be current and not older than 90 days.

If you have already provided us with your Company Information, Company Proof of Address, Directors Photo ID and Directors Proof of Residence you do not need to provide us with this information again.

To update your residential address details, please contact us using your registered email at support@icmarkets.co.ke including your latest residential proof of address stating your name and new address. The address document must be no older than 90 days.

We do not report or deduct any funds for taxes, however it is your own responsibility to declare any earnings to your own local tax authority.

Should you wish to update the details of your account, such as account name, phone number or email address, please send us an email at support@icmarkets.co.ke. We will also require you to resubmit 100 points of ID so that we can verify that it is you requesting the changes.

Documents must be uploaded via your Secure Client Area

We charge a Commission on our Raw Spread account because you get to trade with extremely low spreads

Client Area

Accessing your secure client area is very easy. Simply follow the login instructions received via email upon your registration with us. You may also reset your secure client area password, if you have forgotten the password by clicking here: https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2f%3flang%3den&lang=en#forgot_pass_form

All your trade account details can be found under the Account Details page using your client area.

You are able to create an additional demo account through your client area using the following link:
To create an additional live account, you may click here: https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/OpenAccount/OpenRealAccount

Yes, you can. Please click on Trasfer Funds option here: https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Finance/TransferFunds using your client area.

No. We do not allow 3rd party transactions of any kind.

The withdrawals of your funds depends on the method you have used while depositing funds.

If you have funded your account by:
Deposit via Debit/Credit card - Withdraw back by Visa/Mastercard Direct or bank wire
Deposit via Safecharge 3D-Secure card - Withdraw deposit fund back by SafeCharge
Deposit via 3D-Secure Verified by Visa / MasterCard Securecode - Withdraw back by Visa/Mastercard Direct or bank wire
Deposit via Fasapay/Bank Transfer/Broker to Broker/Bitcoin - Withdraw by bankwire (20 AUD Bank fee)
Deposit via Neteller - Withdraw by Neteller (free of charge)
Deposit via Skrill - Withdraw by Skrill (free of charge)
Deposit via Paypal - Withdraw by Paypal (free of charge)

Deposit processing time depends on the preferred method of your choice. Here is the complete list of deposit methods we offer along with their respective processing times: /trading-accounts/funding

Withdrawal requests submitted before 05:00 EAT will be processed on the same day. The time it takes to receive your funds will depend on the payment method used. For specific information about withdrawal methods and processing times, please refer to our website or check the withdrawal page in your Client Area.

Yes, a number of our withdrawal methods have an instant processing time, once the withdrawal is successfully completed from our end. For more details, please visit our "How to Withdraw" page on the website here: Withdrawal page

As the banking institutions in Australia are not operational during weekends, we do not process withdrawals out of Australian business hours.

There could be a number of reason for a withdrawal request to get declined. We suggest you to check your email for the specific reason that relates to your individual account and follow the instructions prescribed in the email. For any clarifications, feel free to contact our 24/7 live chat support or reply to the email directly at accounts@icmarkets.com

A failed deposit request could be a result of insufficient funds in the depositing source, incompatible card used, restrictions implied from your financial banking institution or incorrect details being used to fund the account. You may contact your bank for more information in this regard.

We archive inactive trading accounts after a certain time period. Please note that archived accounts cannot be re-activated. A simple solution, if your account has been archived, is to create an additional trading account from your secure Client Area. If you have funds in that specific account/s, please contact our support team and we will be happy to assist you.

Unfortunately, not. You would need to reach our friendly support team to help process such requests.

You may chose to fund an existing and active trade account suing your client area to be able to create an additional trade account directly. Alternately, you may reach us our team to help with your request.

Please click: Forgot your username or password. The system will send you a temporary password to the email address you registered with us.

You can access the deposit and withdrawal transaction history using the "Transaction History" option availble under the "Finance" section of your secure client area.

To change the password for your live trading account:

1. Login to the secure client portal.
2. Select "Profile" section - > click in Change Trading account password. Here is the link: https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Finance/AccountSummaryPage?changePassword=true

If you forgot the password of your client area, please click Forgot your username or password
The system will send you a temporary password to the email address you registered with us. Please use the link provided in the email to login with your temporary password.

You may request to change your account's leverage using your secure client area. Here is the link: https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Account/ChangeLeverage

If your card is expired, you may upload a replacement card to your profile using your secure client area. If the new card has the same number as the old card then we can proceed as normal. However if the new card has a different number to the old and expired card then you must provide a letter from the bank or a bank statement that indicates that the new card is a replacement card to the old card. Once that has been provided and approved you are free to withdraw to your new card. Please send the document to accounts@icmarkets.com

All the deposits are free of any charge from our end. You may however, need to speak to your banking institution to confirm whether there is any surcharge applicable from their end in utilising their services.

IC Markets (KE) does not charge any additional fees for withdrawals. For International Bank Wire withdrawals, we pass the transfer fees charged by our banking institution. International Wire Transfer fees are approximately AUD 20 or currency equivalent, this fee is deducted from the amount of your withdrawal.
You should however be aware that you may incur fees on payments by some international banking institutions. IC Markets (KE) accepts no responsibility for any such bank fees.

No, internal transfers between your trade accounts are free of cost. You should however be aware of the conversion rate shown onscreen that is applicable for the amount transferred.

In order to delete a trade account, please contact our support team at support@icmarkets.co.ke using your registered email address.

Should you not want to continue trading with us, you may express your interest to close your trade profile with us by emailing our support team at support@icmarkets.co.ke. The request should come from your registered email address we have on records. It is important to note that, we do not charge any account keeping or maintenance fees, so you can always come back should you want to resume your trading in the future, where no profile closure is necessary.

If you wish to deposit via credit or debit card, for security reasons we’ll need a copy of the card. The card must be in your own name and not past it’s expiry date.
First login to your Secure Client Area and select Transfers – Deposit Funds and then ‘Fund Now by Credit Card’
Select Add New Credit/Debit card and then enter the requested details. Upload a copy of the card and then we will approve it as quickly as possible for you. We can accept either a scanned copy or a clear photograph.
Once the card is approved, you can make instant deposits anytime.

The funds arrival time may vary depending on the withdrawal method used. You may refer here for more details: Withdrawal page

You can subscribe to Daily Market Forecast from Autochartist or Trading Central here: https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Autochartist. Both are free of charge.

The MT4, MT5 and cTrader download link can be found in the secure client area here https://secure.icmarkets.co.ke/Downloads

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